Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Day in the Life: Making the Most of Your Time

Teachers are the some of the busiest people ever! Those who have never taught before do not understand the struggle.  When you tell them what time you go to bed they look at you like something wrong.  So, I decided to share what a day in my life consists I maximize my time as a teacher and graduate student among the other responsibilities I have outside of school.  Keep in mind that I am a single lady with no children.  So I have a lot more wiggle room with my schedule because I don't have wife or mommy duties...yet! 
This is a typical day for me.
4:15am:  This is my Monday-Thursday wake up time.  Yes, I'm serious.  No, I'm not crazy.  Now, before you shoot me down and click the red (x), let me explain.  I am the kind of person that does not like to feel rushed and I need ample time to get everything done that I want to get done.  Is it hard? Sometimes! Is it worth it? Absolutely.  Bear with me.
 4:15-4:45am:  Remember that post where I talked about preparing your mind for the day so that you can set the right tone before your students get there? (Here: This is the time when I do just that.  It's my prayer time and quiet time with my Savior.  Nobody else is awake, not even the birds! This is the time that sets the tone for my entire day.
If you'd like an editable copy of this, leave your email address in the comments section or email me at
4:45-5:00am:  This is the time I have set aside to clean my house.  Now let's be real.  There are some times when I get up at 4:15 and it's hard to keep my eyes open.  At this point, I just get out of bed and I just have my quiet time after cleaning.  I have created a cleaning schedule where I clean a little everyday.  My house is always clean and I don't have to clean on the weekends! I also meal plan, so I have a menu in my house.  It's a cute little chalkboard. I go out to eat on the weekends.
5:00-5:20am:  Workout.  This usually comes in the form of a workout video.  I have a gym membership, but I have not figured out how to work that into my schedule with school in the mix.  This is easily the hardest part of my schedule.  Some weeks I workout, some weeks I don't.  Any suggestions!?
5:30-6:00am:  Getting ready for work! 
6:00-6:15am:  Packing lunch (if I don't  do it the night before), and leaving the house.  I usually arrive at work around 6:30 or so.  Sometimes later if I take a little more time doing other things.  I get ready for the day.  Students arrive at 7:30 sharp! The fun begins...
3:00-4:30pm:  My kids are out the door, praise the Lord! I clean up my room (sometimes), do a few things to prepare for the following day, chat with coworkers, go to staff meetings, call parents, etc.  I do lesson plans on Wednesday afternoons so that I don't have to plan over the weekends since I have to do homework on the weekends.
5:00pm-7:50pm:  I have class on Mondays and Wednesdays, so this is what it looks like on those days.  On Tuesdays I have staff meetings, and on Thursdays I have church, so Fridays are my only free afternoon week days!

I get home around 8:20ish and eat dinner, shower, etc.  I try to be in bed by 9:00pm.  No later than 9:30pm! It works most of the time.  On the days that I have a little extra time in the afternoons, I am doing homework.  And then I wake up and start all over again!

This is just what works for me and I hope you can take some ideas away from it.  If you don't plan out your day, at least in your head then you run the risk of wasting time.  Don't get me wrong, I know how to waste some time, even with this schedule that I have.  But for the most part I stick to it and I get done what needs to be done so that I can enjoy a little free time on the weekends (well, minus doing homework if I don't do it during the week).  I do not panic or have a breakdown if my schedule gets thrown off, it's simply a guide that helps me manage my time.

What do you do to maximize your time as a teacher?

Leave a comment, subscribe.

Email me for a copy of the weekly schedule, meal planning menu, and/or grocery list. (


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