Tuesday, September 22, 2015

I'm Still Alive: What I've Been Up To or Celebrate Good Times, c'mon!

Here's what I've been up to...
Teaching kids their numbers and giving them lollipops every now and again. Don't shoot me down Montessori veterans! Ha! Sometimes it's easier to get them to write on a dry erase board. Every kid loves it! 
Celebrating the BIG small things. Using the beginning sound to match a picture with a word AND write the words on a line. Yay! Now, we're going to work on that date, but I'm SO glad you put it up there.
"Ms. Hector, what is this a picture of? Something you eat at Thanksgiving?"
"Sure! Some people eat it at Thanksgiving."
"Is it turkey? T-t-turkey?"
"No, honey. It's ham."
"Okay. H-ham."
.....comes back .5 second later....
"Is this turkey?"
A little teens board action! Don't let your body touch the rug!
Mastering those letters and letter sounds with the help of the Red shelf sandpaper letters in all of their glory...with the backwards "a"! Montessori love!

And of course becoming a master of reading education! I'm learning lots of new things.
And that is your update from the reporter of House 9 Happenings!
I fully intend on returning to my weekly posts, but my Mondays-Thursdays yield little time for me to put a post together and by Friday my desire to take a nap far outweighs the desire to write, but I'll be back, bear with me!  
Until next time...be blessed.

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